Loving Life

Hi everyone I was going through some of my galleries and came across this images I took back in 2016. Wow I can’t believe I just said 2016 as that was the last time as a family we got to go on holiday all together and when I say family I am including my dad in this sentence. ONE year had passed since my mum passed away with Cancer now thats another posts for another day. I talked my dad into going on a cruise around the European coastline and I am so glad he said yes.

European Coastline 2016

I can still hear the splashes of the water crash against the big ship and the sound of the horn drifting through the warm evening air as we pull out of port. The hustle and bustle of all behind me chatting about what all they saw on land that day was just such a delight and made me smile knowing I was apart of such an amazing journey.

As you can see in my photo how all the smaller boats were staying in the safety of the bay as we said our goodbyes and all the streets lights just started to come on as we set sail into the blackness of the open sea. The night before us was good, fine dinning and good company was to be the night of entertainment and a early night and a Newport the next day.

If you haven’t as yet went on a cruise be sure and check it out I have to say it is the best holiday I have ever been on and one worth looking into.

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